Leonardo Williams

Leonardo Williams for Mayor

Scroll to read about policies and initiatives that Leonardo advocates for, and his leadership on the City Council.HOUSING: diversifying affordable housing options (including workforce housing) - housing that is affordable to residents at every income level - holistic living solutions for low income residents by including wraparound services in planning ENVIRONMENT: public transportation policies that make Durham less car centric (including Bus Rapid Transit) - reducing Durham’s use of plastics and other materials that harm the health and safety of residents and the planet SAFETY: expansion of H.E.A.R.T and other care-based service programs - providing comprehensive care for the whole family, from early childhood education to job placement opportunities for adults and youth. - apprenticeship and mentorship programs for Black youth "“As long as fundamental human rights assets like housing, jobs, food security, and education remain inaccessible to certain residents, crime will persist as a symptom of underlying societal issues. We need to focus on comprehensive solutions to crime and gun violence. We as the city government should prioritize addressing the root causes of crime by investing in social programs and initiatives that aim to uplift communities” --LeoECONOMY: strengthening locally-owned businesses by appointing an official to help them navigate public resources - a larger Convention Center to diversify and increase city revenue - encouraging businesses to pay their workers a living wage - stronger workforce development programs so people can access well-paying jobs Leo's leadership on the council: Since entering office in 2021, Leo Williams has: secured funding for a task force to study the root causes of Black men and boys’ disproportionate involvement in gun violence, and identify and direct resources - effectively works on the Joint City-County Planning Committee as a reliable supporter of public transportation policies - played an active role at the Metropolitan Planning Organization as a leading representative of Durham, working to bring the Bus Rapid Transit system to Durham "I am a bridge builder and a firm believer in consensus building. I understand that effective governance requires collaboration and cooperation, even when differing viewpoints are present. I value diversity of thought and believe that respectful dialogue and open communication are essential in finding common ground and working towards shared goals. I do not need to agree with someone politically to respect them and work with them in a constructive manner.” - Leo